Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 19 (Feb. 17, 18, 19)

At preschool this week, the preschoolers used these letter tiles (from the Bananagrams game) to spell out their names. It was a fun way to try that out.

The preschoolers have been playing lots of games. The games where more than just 2 are playing make for more opportunities to wait and be patient. Which is a hard skill, but a useful one to learn. :)  Lullaby kept track of who was next to take a turn.

Abby turned 5 on Thursday and got to pick some prizes from the prize box! So exciting! We also sang to her lots of times and thanked her for the yummy cupcakes she brought for her snack. Happy birthday!

We tried out a few science experiments. Mixing oil with water was the first one. When we added salt it made a fun lava-lamp-ish reaction and the preschoolers loved watching what happened!

We also grew some water beads for the outside sensory table. It's finally warm enough again that we can play with water! Yay!  Before adding water they start out SO small!  Sofia was my helper that day and MORE than happy to help with getting the water beads all set up.

We put most of them in the sensory table to grow after adding water, but we kept a few inside in a small glass to watch during lunch time.

By the next day, they were a lot bigger and squishy and ready to be played with! So much fun!

We've been talking about transportation lots this week. The preschoolers did a cutting and sorting activity at table time.

The letters for the week were 'Q', 'R', and 'S'.

There was a lot more mess this week than usual. The preschoolers wanted to see every toy in the bucket apparently. :)  But they are always good about cleaning up before moving on to the next activity.

We went for a nature walk to try to find all the things on our new list. We didn't find as many this time, although Christian's mom sent a picture after preschool was over of a pinecone that he found at home. Good job!

I was surprised that we did find a lady bug. I thought that might have been impossible.

With the lovely weather, we decided to do table time outside one of the days. It was a good idea except the breeze was just strong enough to knock the paper off the tables a few times.

The preschoolers had fun trying out these wipeable phonics and sequencing worksheets.

Outside, the preschoolers were busy drawing chalk masterpieces all over the patio. Warren and Jared stuck with this activity most of the time we were out there.

Here's another table time transportation activity. I hardly got any pictures of that because they finished the papers super fast and were ready to play again!

Dress up clothes will never be completely put away. I always have someone running around the preschool rooms looking like this. So funny.

Per Christian and Jackson's request, I got out a REAL space shuttle for them to continue on in their imaginative play and we went to space again this week! They have been loving learning and talking and pretending about space!