Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 18 (Feb. 10, 11, 12)

This week was filled with books about love and kindness and thinking of others. The preschoolers worked really hard to put together thoughtful Valentine cards for their parents.  I asked them what they loved about both Mom and Dad, and I also asked each of the preschoolers how they show their love for others.  The answers were so sweet. These kiddies sure love their parents! They also worked on a little banner for the party. We painted it, and stamped it, and I printed out some pictures of the preschoolers for it too. It was a slow job, since we had to wait for the paint to dry.

One of the table time activities was counting how many polkadots were in each heart, and then matching them to the correct numbers. This means one-to-one correspondence, recognizing numerals, fine motor planning, and memorization. They were tricked by a few hard ones, so it was a good and challenging activity.

Snack time is always very entertaining.

Play time is always fun too. Preschool play is just as important as work.

Friday was our party day and the kids had a really fun time. We had been talking about it for weeks, and when it came time, they were more than ready!  We talked about what snacks they would like to have and specifically what decorations they would like to see on the sugar cookies.

Then it was time for the valentine exchange. The preschoolers took turns handing out their valentines to their friends. Everyone did a nice job of saying thank you. There were lots of very unique and special valentines, and I loved to see all the thought that they put into them!  Even I got a few valentine cards and gifts, thank you!

Then it was time for the preschoolers to hand out the valentines that they had made for their parents. Each page had a picture or a special note on the inside. I think they all did a great job!

There was also lots of running around and playing during the party. At one point I let the preschoolers play the Pie Face game. They saw it in the teacher closet on the game shelf weeks ago and wanted to play. It's a fun game, but I thought it would be best in a party situation. They loved it, and most of the preschoolers tried it more than once.

We even got one of the mommies to try it! What a good sport!

I'll end this week's pictures with this sweet moment captured during circle time. They didn't know I was taking a picture, this was just how these two were sitting while I was reading a book and introducing a new concept - synonyms and antonyms. I just love how these preschoolers love each other! Happy Valentine's Day, week, month!