Friday, June 12, 2015

Preschool Graduation!

It's taken me a LONG time to finally post all of these pictures! Time has gone by really quickly for me this summer! Our last week of preschool was equal parts happy and sad. We talked LOTS about what kindergarten will be like, who will be going to what school, fears and anxieties, and lots of other great questions the preschoolers had. Each preschooler had the chance to write a list of the things he learned in preschool. I loved hearing their responses and helping them to spell the words they didn't know (except Ryan, he wanted to spell everything on his own).

They also wrote a list about what they will miss about preschool. The five things that Ms. Jessie will miss about preschool are; 1. Morning Circle 2. Hawken 3. Jeff 4. Logan 5. Ryan (in alphabetical order, I will miss them all the same next year :)

The last list was a list of what they are excited for in kindergarten.  Their responses on each of these papers were precious. I loved each one. You can click on the images to make them better and read each one.

There was lots of play time too, of course. Those Color Clix (and Wendy's Smart Links) toys are the best. They got SO much play time this year!

Our last day of preschool, we celebrated Logan's birthday. He has a summer birthday, and I didn't want him to feel left out and not be able to celebrate at school. He picked out his prizes and we sang LOTS of times to him. He requested cupcakes for snack, so that it was. Happy (almost) birthday Logan!

Our graduation party day was so much fun! The kids all came up with ideas for what we should have at the party. Balloons were a must. The lunch menu was very strange and specific; "fat cheetohs", hot dogs without buns and the big ketchups, cupcakes AND cookies, pizza, etc… Here are some pictures from the celebration. These boys deserve celebrating, they are so wonderful.

When it came time to give them their certificates, they all remembered where to sit. We practiced at the end of the day on Thursday, I didn't want any fighting over who gets to sit where on the special day. They did great! 

Afterward, they each got to read through their lists with their parents. They were very proud of their work and excited to share it!

Thank you all for the lovely and thoughtful gifts. The notes were especially great, since they were handwritten! "Thanks for teaching me stuff" :)

I am finally coming to terms with not having these awesome little guys around each week. I miss them terribly already! This school year was so much fun, and I couldn't have hand-picked a better group of kids. Parents, thank you for letting me spend time with your wonderful kiddos. They are so special and unique and smart and FUN to be with.  I hope everyone has a great summer!