Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Week 24 (April 6, 7, 8)

The little bunny cups are growing a TON of grass! It was fun to see the kids reactions when they saw how much had grown over the weekend!  We water the grass every day, and some days give it a little trim with scissors, which the kids love.

We learned a cute little butterfly song and made simple butterfly puppets. The kids liked decorating them for table time.

We painted cute spring tulip pictures. I loved how they turned out.

Another fun table time activity was trying out these Hot Wheels color changing cars. So much fun!  Each table had hot water and ice cold water and plenty of cars. They were really excited about this activity!

We've been seeing lots of ladybugs lately, so doing a quick little math exercise using the lady bug spots was a fun one.

We listened to a few songs about butterflies and danced ours around the room while we listened!  The kids get SO into this silly stuff.

I got a new race track for the kids and they loved it. They are always shocked to see new toys come out of the "teacher closet". It's like Mary Poppins bag to them.

Plus lots of puzzles! Table puzzles and floor puzzles were all the rage this week!

I brought out the sand toys again, and they baked some sand cakes in these cute plastic bakery sets.

We move the trampoline around the yard a bit to keep the grass growing underneath it, and whenever it's in the back corner of the yard the tree branches are close enough to TOUCH, so that becomes the game. Can you jump high enough to touch a leaf?

This twisty swing game is becoming a fast favorite of the preschoolers. They love to twist themselves up and then unwind and scream and laugh and talk about how dizzy they are.