Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week 23 (March 30, 31 April 1)

Preschool after our long break was SUPER fun. The preschoolers were extra well behaved and had a fun time playing with their friends again!  Abby stuck with this puzzle the entire time, and got it completed with the help of a few friends.

Christian will go through 1/2 of the stack of viewfinder discs in one sitting.  He loves this simple toy.

I don't think Sofia was ready for this picture! She was very deeply enthralled in playing with this Batman toy.

At one point, all 7 of them were playing together with the Imaginext sets.

Jackson got really serious about playing dress up, and after he decided to be a police officer for the day, he wanted to look up some information about police officers in this book.

The weather was really nice on Friday, and the puddles had gone away, so we spent a lot of time outside.  Catching bugs, playing chase, and just relaxing in the lovely Spring air.

We even had a chance to plant more things in the garden. So far so good!  Lullaby also pulled up some of the weeds that always seem to sneak in there.

Our pumpkin seeds are doing well too!

Making bunny nose masks was a cute activity. We learned a new song about bunnies and sang it and jumped around after the masks were finished.

Warren said his bunny was an extra happy bunny, and only made this face along with it...

March was the LAST month for our Book-It calendars. If you haven't already, please send in your child's March calendar so they can get their last pizza ticket and book for the year. Since Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a pretty common book, I won't write an inscription inside the book this month unless your preschooler tells me they don't have the book at home already. That way, if you do have it already, you can use this one as a gift, or go to the store to exchange it.  I'm really proud of all the time that they've been spending reading and looking at books! Good job everyone!

We planted some grass seeds into cups with bunny faces on the front, so that when it grows, it will look like hair and they can cut it. We watered the grass seeds everyday and set the little cups in the windowsill to get lots of light.  They are going to be surprised when they come on Wednesday and see that they have already started growing!

For small group time, I set up this little word building center. Sounding out words is the next step toward reading. These little letter sheets have some missing letters and the preschoolers sounded them out with me to figure out what was missing. They all did exceedingly well, but of course will benefit from more practice. I'm so excited!

Friday was April 1st, and as you know, that means it's April Fools Day! I set up these cherry tomatoes on cake pop sticks to look like lollipops. When it was snack time I handed them out and said I wanted to take their picture before they took a bite (that way they would all take a bite at the same time). The reaction was hilarious. They were NOT expecting tomatoes! Jared was the least happy about the trick, but was okay once I made it better with real lollipops. :)

Then I gave them real lollipops for the mean trick. :) Lots of the preschoolers ate the tomatoes and asked for more, but it was still shocking when they were thinking it would be a sweet lollipop!