Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 10 (Nov. 11, 12, 13)

The preschoolers loved reading a book about a soldier dad who lived far away from his children so he could protect us. We talked about Veteran's Day and talked about how special service men and women are. I had planned on having the preschoolers write and draw them thank you letters, but we used up all our time on other activities first. So we will send them some love notes on Valentine's Day instead.

There was a LOT of dressing up this week. They have so much fun using their imaginations!

I got out some Jake and the Neverland Pirates toys, as well as the super heroes, princesses and a castle. I love when they mix toys together for some really creative play!

We started workbooks this week after going through all the ABC's several times in previous weeks. Now it's time to start practicing writing them. This was an easy task for some, and terribly difficult for others. We did the first 4 pages and sent the book home. The other pages can be done at home (if you'd like to - this is NOT homework, it's just for fun) with some adult attention to make sure they are doing the work properly.  This workbook does not have to come back, it's yours to keep.

Outside time was spent getting sandy or hanging upside down mostly. It's so funny to see each week what they will be interested in!

During table time the preschoolers made fall wreaths to hang up at home. These little foam stickers had a thin white backing that they had to peel off of each one. It was hard work, but every stuck to it and created a beautiful fall wreath!

Another day for table time we painted! The kids were VERY excited about it, and I've already added a few things to my arts and crafts shopping list for when they return! They each worked very hard on their cute turkeys. We talked about art, and how there is no right or wrong with art. It is creative and expressive and all art is interesting, especially when something looks unique.

We had to wait a day for everything to dry, so it was ready to go home on Friday, and the preschoolers were THRILLED to hold their turkeys during the morning circle time on Friday while we read a Thanksgiving book.

I asked the preschoolers about what they were thankful for and sent home the list. Each list had something different from the preschooler before them. I was quite impressed with several responses. They were completely uncoached and authentic preschool responses.

At our closing circle, I told each preschooler why I was thankful for each of them.  I love getting to spend so much time with your awesome kids!  I seriously love them. They are the best! So here is my list.
Abby: I am thankful for you because you are so eager to learn. I see you watching me, ready to jump at the chance to be the FIRST to work with me during small groups.
Christian:  I am thankful for you because you are so funny. You are very entertaining and keep us all happy and laughing during preschool.
Jackson:  I am thankful for you because you are like my teaching assistant. You know all the rules and love to help your friends stay on the right track.
Jared:  I am thankful for you because you are ALWAYS a good friend. You are first to share, or take turns, or help when someone needs it.
Lullaby: I am thankful for you because you are so happy. You smile and play nicely and help others to be happy around you.
Sofia: I am thankful for you because you are a snuggle bug. You spend a lot of your time hugging friends, or giving them a sweet pat on the back.
Warren: I am thankful for you because you are so hard working. You spend more time cleaning up than anyone else, even when it's a mess you didn't make yourself.

Also, the preschoolers made a video of the things they are thankful for. I hope you'll be thankful for these cute videos when your babies grow up! At the end of the year, I will give all the parents copies of these preschool videos.  Of course, you can always see them here on this website and on YouTube. Enjoy!