Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 13 (Jan. 6, 7, 8)

It was a nice week of preschool! After our Christmas break, we are taking a more focused look at the academic side of preschool. There is still plenty of play time, and student-led activities, but I am infusing our curriculum with more opportunities for the preschoolers to get a head start on the academic part of school.  We now start each day by signing in. The more often they write their name, the better they'll get at it!  Look at the difference we saw in just three days!

Day #1

Day #2

Day #3

The preschoolers also will be learning and practicing all the other letters in the alphabet. Both upper and lowercase, along with their corresponding sounds.  This week we covered 'A', 'B', and 'C'.

We did inside recess the first 2 days. The first day we played a very hilarious version of The 3 Little Pigs story. I set up the 3 popup tents and I sat with the wolf (each child had a turn), while the other little piggies acted out the story. Then the wolf acted out their parts, chasing the little piggies from home to home until finally they couldn't blow down the house made of bricks. 

We have done kids yoga lots this week too. The kids practiced tree, cobra, cat, and dog. It's really hard work!

New Book-It calendars went home this week, along with a new book about the gingerbread man getting lost in the school. We read it together and talked about a few things that would be different once they were in kindergarten. They seem to be getting pretty excited!

Here's another phonics game that I introduced for circle time. The preschoolers know a little repetitive song for each of these letter sounds.

Snack time was especially silly one day and the kids were making faces with their apple slices. They're so funny!

We've been talking some about patterns too. Especially AB patterns. Their table time activity was centered around that idea.

Although it was still very puddly in the yard, the preschoolers still needed some outdoor exploring time. So we went for a short nature walk. I prepped them that we would be hunting for certain things on our list. The preschoolers loved hunting for things, and discovering little bugs and mud puddles and plants. They were all very well behaved outside, and I told them if they were, we could do it again soon.

The only 2 things that we didn't find on our walk were a bird feeder and a paw print. Since then, Christian's dad sent me this picture of him with a bird feeder that he found with his family! Yay!

There were lots of sweet little moments, and play time, and silliness to be had as well.  We love preschool!