Sunday, May 10, 2015

Week 32 (May 6, 7, 8)

We have been talking about Mother's Day coming up and decided together to make pictures for the moms.  We talked about what moms like most, and the consensus was that moms like their KIDS the most. So the preschoolers drew pictures of themselves with their mom. They worked REALLY hard on these pictures.

Then they worked together to stamp this paper to use for later.  It took lots of work, but they stamped the paper until no white spots were showing.

Then we flipped the paper over, cut it into 4 pieces, drew hearts on the back and cut some out for the pictures.  Cutting hearts isn't easy. This project took a long time.

Then they glued on their hearts and we put them in frames. I'm going to have to wait to post these pictures on Sunday, so the surprises won't be ruined. I think the masterpieces turned out great.

The kids also made a quick video all about their moms. It was sweet to hear what they think. They sure do love their mommas! Happy Mother's Day!

We played lots of games this week again. Animal dominoes, rhyme card match, and scramble were just a few.

Imaginext, and dress-up were the favorite playtime activities. Not too many pictures of the dress-up because it got pretty wild pretty fast and it needed a bit more of my participation than usual.

It was also teacher appreciation week this week and I felt very appreciated. Thank you for the lovely flowers and cookies and notes. I seriously LOVE teaching these kids. It's my pleasure and I'm happy to be their teacher.

With only a few more days of preschool until "graduation", we have been talking about important things that we need to know and do for kindergarten. The three things we talked about this week were, 1. Hard Word, 2. Be Kind, and 3. Listen. We read and worked out the story of The 3 Little Pigs on the magnet board. We talked about what it meant to work hard and why it's important.  In kindergarten, there isn't as much playing, and there will be lots of work. If we work hard, then we will feel good and happy.  Here are their "hard work" tokens.

Then we made our "be kind" tokens. We read stories about bullies, and friends, and they all decided they would rather be friends than be bullies. They are such nice friends to each other, and when little upsets happened this week, we talked specifically about being kind. What can we do when a friend feels left out? What can we do when a friend gets hurt? What can we do if we see someone getting bullied? They came up with WONDERFUL solutions. Kindergarten will be a better place with these kids on the loose.

Our "listen" tokens are good for these boys, who can get pretty wild when they are excited. We talked about the difference of play time and listening time. We talked about who it's important to listen to, and why. Our circle times are amazingly better and longer than they were in the beginning of the school year, partly because they know the routine now, and they are older, but partly because they are becoming better listeners. Good job!

We had some time at the end of our day to color outside and make body outlines. Getting them to stop and take a picture was harder than anything though. :)