Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 25 (March 11, 12, 13)

Since we were going to miss the first day of Spring (March 20th) and St. Patrick's Day (March 17th), we had to do our spring and Leprechaun-y activities a bit early. We made leprechaun traps to try and trick some leprechauns into leaving their gold at the bottom of our pipe cleaner rainbows, and it WORKED! The kids checked several times each day and were really happy to see some gold covered candies in their traps at the end of the day on Friday.

Filled up, waiting to be discovered!

I added a few silly leprechaun hats to the dress up area and it was fun to see how they thought a leprechaun might act.

During table time, we talked about a few community helpers and other jobs that people have. We talked about what they want to be when they grow up, and a lot of the answers have changed from the beginning of the year.  These will be puppets for an activity coming up next month.

Teamwork discovering differences in the pictures. Some were very subtle, others were more obvious, but they liked working together to find them all.

Quiet reading time has become noisier now that everyone is READING! The boys are all reading now, at various levels, and I am SO impressed with them!

We revisited Flarp! for a very sensory table time activity. They sure love this sticky stuff!

Even though our backyard and playground were a soggy muddy mess all week, we went for a nature walk in the front to hunt for clovers! They're good luck you know! So we found a perfect clover and preserved it in tape to bring home and keep for good luck.

This simple art activity turned out to be more fun than I thought it might be. These kids are so creative and love expressing themselves in this capacity.

Some randoms from play time. They have the BEST time playing and letting their personalities show.

They worked on their fine motor skills with this pompom and tweezer activity.  Super simple, but the more work they do like this, the stronger those little hand muscles get and the easier it is for them to do writing activities and improve their penmanship.

Since we were inside for recess, I made a silly shark and jellyfish game for them, which they loved. I love it when my off-the-top-of-my-head-ideas work out better than expected.

They went across the ocean in teams (one with eyes closed and the other guiding the way) and individually (jumping, walking, going backward) and as a big group. These preschoolers make everything fun!

And all the preschoolers left with some Lucky Charms chapstick. I couldn't help myself. It was too fun not to get. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Happy 1st Day of Spring! Happy Spring Break! I'll see you all on Wednesday, March 25th!