Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 20 (Feb. 4, 5, 6)

The car tracks have been getting more and more elaborate! They go over chairs and through tunnels. The preschoolers have the best imaginations!

The trampoline is the highlight of recess now. The boys have really been loving it, even those who were initially nervous about it.

Puzzle building is always a group effort and they work so nicely to get it all together, until the last few pieces, then they argue over who has the last piece, and usually come to the decision that they can ALL put in a last piece at the same time. It's actually funny to watch. Great problem solving skills are emerging in all of them.

I saw these little seed kits and had to get them. They are supposed to grow flowers, and already they are starting to sprout, only a few days later, they are going to be so excited to see the growth on Wednesday! They loved painting the little pots.

The dirt starts out as this hard pellet, then you add water and watch it grow. Very fun!

Count out the tiny seeds, and plant them in the dirt. Great for fine motor skill development, those seeds were TINY!

Lots and lots and LOTS of dress up has been happening! Several times throughout the day, and even during other activities. Batman has joined us at several circle times...

We have been practicing lots of numbers and math lately. Getting numbers backward is pretty common for this age, but we are working on it. We use dry erase boards for practice mostly, but they love doing "worksheets" too.

Trying out a new 3-D dinosaur book. Very fun!

Elephant and Piggie books are some of our favorites. I own a few, but borrowed a few more from the library this past week. They laugh out loud at the story lines. Pick one up at the library if you get a chance, they are adorable and FILLED with lots of great sight words we have been working on.

Our story mystery box has been put to good use lately too. The kids are understanding lots about the stories we read, and it keeps them listening to the book, so they can get the answer right when I ask a start question. :)

Playing dress-up isn't limited to themselves. The boys played baby dolls for the (maybe) second time ever, and liked it. It was their choice, but they usually find other things to do.