Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 19 (Jan. 29, 30)

The snow globes, which we had talked about making for a loooong time, finally were made! Finding the tiny arctic animals was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I glued them into the lids before preschool, so when the kids came it would be ready for them. They added scoops of glitter and baby oil (it makes the snow flutter more slowly than water), then I glued the lids on, and they finished by painting the lids white.

One day later, they started to leak a bit, so I added more glue to seal the edges. It should be fine now. But they were all very worried that I wouldn't let them take their amazing creations home if they were still wet, so I set up a fan, and everyone was pleased. You can't come home from preschool empty handed. :)

Trying out this new game. I had one as a kid called "Perfection", but this double version is called "Scramble" and they loved racing the timer to see if they could make all the shapes fit before it popped up.  This is also a tricky way to work on their fine motor skills, shape recognition, and spatial awareness.

The block creations were amazing again this week. These preschoolers are so creative!

I found two great sight word games on that the kids learned to play this week. In the first game, they click a gear which says a word, then they search for the correct word from the list below.   Here is Jeff showing off his new found skills. He was very proud of himself. In the background, Logan and Ryan are working together on an alphabet magnet game. Teamwork is so good to see!

Logan tried out the other sight word game where a robot says a word, then he chooses from a field of three words to find the correct one.  Practice letter sounds at home with your preschoolers and make it a game. What does the word "ball" start with? Or end with?

We tried another fun new game, "Silly Sentences". They got to choose three cards; one subject card, one action and one adverbial phrase or location card. Ryan is a great reader and when the kids couldn't guess what their silly sentence said based on the picture, Ryan would read it for them. They covered the whole table in silly sentences.

I set up the arctic in the sensory table outside. It was such lovely weather this week, I felt okay letting them play with ice. :)  One side had warm water (just for fun), and the other had ice. They played and played and played with this. I had no idea this would grab their attention as much as it did.
Living in Houston makes it hard to do lots of the regular cold weather preschool activities, so we're moving on to some new found interests next week, no more arctic. But I have to say, I loved listening to them talk about all the fun facts we learned in their play. "Let's all warm up now, in a huddle. That's what it's called when we stand together like penguins do, right Ms. Jessie?" Yes it is.