Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 13 (Dec. 3, 4, 5)

This week we got out some new toys! Farm toys and animals were a hit! Especially after reading about what different animals do to get ready for winter. 

We have been doing a lot of predictable reading. Hard words that don't follow the rules, like "bear" and "squirrel", can still be guessed when we know the context. We read about bears hibernating and then about squirrels gathers nuts for wintertime. I wrote the words in the middle of the page, and asked them to guess which was which. Each child got it on their own! What does it start with? Buh, buh, bear? Yes!  Then we continued on to draw each home, and put in the coordinating sticker of each animal. Then they drew a line from the right word to the animal.

We haven't played with potato heads in a while. They sure loved them!

The preschoolers went on a nature walk to find a few things for the bear habitat they made.  I made each kid a list and they filled the box with the items.

When we got back inside for table time, they glued each item on the list, then we made the bear habitat! It was a bit messier than I predicted, but they loved it.

Play time is a BIG part of preschool. Learning to share and take turns and problem solve all happen when they are playing! These sweet preschoolers are really good at it!

We played with SLIME for a table time activity. I was VERY surprised that they even touched this stuff, let alone play with it. It was very sticky and slimy. They made terrible faces, but played with it for a few minutes. I am always excited to see the kids exploring.

 We had an indoor recess day this week because of huge mud puddles in the backyard. I got out the spaceship popup tents again and the kids had a blast!