Friday, November 14, 2014

Week 11 (Nov. 12, 13, 14)

With Veteran's Day just a day before preschool, I decided it would be nice to do a little something for that. The kids dressed up in soldier helmets and dog tags and we talked about who soldiers are, what they do for us, and what we can do for them. We read a book about a soldier who is a also a dad, who has to leave his little boy to help protect us and keep us all safe. The kids seemed to really get into it. After reading, we made Christmas cards for some soldiers, which will be mailed tonight.  They came up with the things they wanted to write and draw and I helped spell. I think they will make some service men and women very happy.

We played with LOTS of play-doh this week. We got a few new canisters and new play-doh is hard to resist. They spent a loooong time building and creating.

The Imaginext toys were brought back out again this week. The preschoolers were especially excited to use the jungle mountain set with all the little guys. I love hearing the story lines that go along with their play.

I brought out the wooden trains and tracks too. The tracks they built filled the room. It was fun to see them figure out how they could make them all fit, like a puzzle, but ever changing.

Logan and Jeff were very excited to have the animal hospital back out again. They worked and played with this for a while so nicely together.

We braved the cold weather and played outside for recess every day, although we were all happy to come back in when it was time.

Hawken and Logan both redeemed their Book-It coupons! It was a very exciting day for each of them. When Jeff and Ryan get their pizza, we want to hear how it went!

This small group activity was multifaceted. I made the chart with words only. They had to figure out which word was for which color. Looking at the first letter of the word and sounding a few things out, each group of two preschoolers was able to figure each one out correctly. Then they sorted their chips into the three groups, counted them up, found the corresponding colored crayon, wrote the number and drew out as many circles as they sorted. They did VERY well, considering the multiple steps and things I wanted them to do. They are SO smart.

At snack time, we have been talking about favorite foods and making guesses as to what the absolutely favorite snack food might be. Our top three are pretzels, apples, and goldfish. Each preschooler had a chance to pick their two favorites, and then they plotted stickers on their charts as we went around saying which ones were the favorites. It turned out that pretzels were the BEST snack, although only slightly.

Even with this nasty cold weather, the kids need time to play outside and be wild and have fun. Bringing bikes and scooters to school was SUCH a fun time. We will be doing this again for sure! Thanks to the parents for bringing all the gear!  They were all very good about turn taking and sharing. Ryan's low riding bike, and Jeff's scooter were hot commodities and they both loved letting their friends take turns.